Affirmation Jewelry: Spreading Positivity Both Inward and Outward

July 29, 2019

Affirmation Jewelry: Spreading Positivity Both Inward and Outward

As much as we’re capable of finding and embracing the good in others, we sometimes lack that kindness towards ourselves. Reminding ourselves how important we are through positive affirmations can not only be inspiring, but can help us embrace our most important core values.

For many years, I’ve believed in the benefits of positive affirmation. Not only do these offer encouragement for my everyday life, but they have also helped me improve my mood and connect with others.

Keep reading to discover some of my favorite jewelry with inspirational quotes below!

Goals and Aspirations

Sometimes life can be difficult. As humans, we are constantly trying to reach our full potential. This can be both a challenging and sometimes daunting expectation. 

Whether we’re trying to achieve goals or aspirations within our personal or work life, there are a variety of positive affirmations that can be used to inspire and encourage us.

For example, this Fearless necklace has always reminded me that embracing fear is an important step in self-improvement. By embracing fear, we are no longer letting it feed our anxieties and ultimately, our life. Instead, we become the master of controlling it.

This Strength & Courage necklace is also my favorite piece. I actually wear this necklace every day to encourage myself to keep going, no matter how hard things get. 

The simple truth is that life is not easy. As conscious beings, we are constantly tested mentally, physically and emotionally. This necklace is a constant reminder that I can handle anything life throws at me. 


As relational beings, we constantly strive for interconnectivity. Relationships are important to our self-identity, while love provides the deepest level of interpersonal affection.

Regardless of who we are or where we are in our lives, we are all capable of receiving and giving love. This Love Wins necklace is a perfect reminder to love those in our life, as well as those who happen to pass by.  

Having love for others and for the world is one of the most selfless acts we as humans can achieve.

Spiritual Affirmations

As a spiritual person, I am constantly uplifted and encouraged by biblical affirmations. My faith is extremely important to me and as such, I love sharing words of positivity with others. 

For example, this Clothed in Strength necklace features a popular scripture from Proverbs 31:25. No matter where you are in life, I believe this timeless saying can bring both optimism and positivity into your world.

Many studies have shown that self affirmations can decrease stress and encourage positive change. Wearing this beautiful affirmation jewelry has not only provided positivity in my life, but has turned that positivity outward to share with others.

What’s your favorite affirmation? I’d love to hear from you!


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